Nanelle Hairston
Worship & Music Director
Nanelle has been part of the Barrington Ridge family since April 2016. She is hard working and inspirational, not only serving in our Worship and Media ministries, but also teaches our women's Bible study, runs our Kids Hope partnership, and oversees our MOPS ministry. She has a passion for missions and serving others. She is an amazing wife, mother, and friend, always putting the needs of others before herself.
Nanelle can be reached at nanellehairston@gmail.com
Kathy Worthington
Administrative Assistant
JJ Hairston
Senior Pastor
Pastor JJ has a passion for ministry and missions both locally, domestically, and internationally. He and his wife Nanelle have been at Barrington Ridge since April of 2016. They have three children—Crisse, Calle, and Jayme. Jj is a huge Cowboys, Astros, and Rockets fan.
His favorite movie quote is "are you serious, Clark?" —Cousin Eddie
JJ can be reached at pastorjj@att.net

Kathy joined the Barrington staff in September 2008. She takes care of all the day-to-day tasks of the office. She has experience teaching in the public school system, but opted to be a stay-at-home mom when kids came along. Once the kids were in school, she took on the part-time job as administrative assistant at Barrington.
Kathy can be reached at barringtonridgebaptistchurch@yahoo.com